Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's too late...

As the silence of the night engulfs me in yet another blanket of lonliness,
i sit quitely looking far away to the lands beyond.
How that dreaded feeling sinks in deeper and deeper,
till long forgotten memories are lit up once again.
Memories of happiness, of hope and true love,
Of what was once believed to be forever.
Oh! why cant time turn itself back,
to change those haste decisions that were thrown with emotions.
To feel the innocence of youth and to yearn for you again.
To live those precious moments once again.
But pity how i still desire you,
even with these uncountable minutes that held us apart.
The vast distances and unbreakable barriers,
the pages of time that has turned with life.
Maybe we are so far apart, thats its impossible to ever turn back.
Maybe the memories have faded into the midnight mist.
Maybe...its just too late.

1 comment:

  1. It's never too late for anything - Natashi Lochi once said ;)


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