Thursday, October 20, 2011

Writers block

So i havent posted in a very long time. Couldnt get myself to a mini post either. Some wonder whether i have once again disappeared off the planet earth like i tend to sometimes, or just... partying nonstop. Let me assure you its none of them. Im officially down with a serious case of writers block.

When does it happen? WHY does it happen? And more importantly HOW does it have the ability to frustrate the heck out of ones brain?

Everyone has an outlet. Some scream, some rant, some cry and then there are some that simply write. Its seeing your feelings written down on paper in front of your very own eyes when you can really detangle the solution from a big mess of confusions and misunderstandings. Its like going high for few minutes and clearing your mind off of all crap to make space for more. In short, writing for me is just another form of meditating.

But it is true when they say that writing only comes to you when you have a turmoil of depressed thoughts running havoc up there. Happiness has a way of making you want to give up on the peaceful things and turn towards the more crazier stuff. Like getting out of your comfort zone and inviting thrills in. So it is usually during some very low times or after an exhausting argument that i project my thoughts onto the keyboard to raise my self-esteem.

But lately low times came and went. Literature inspirations came and went. A number of times i found my head swirling with words waiting to be written down, yet they stayed up there. Yes i could partly blame my broken-down Iphone a.k.a my soulmate for a big lack in my creativeness. It was a technologically advanced form of paper for me to record my thoughts on. Sadly it has left my side with a huge dent to my blogger's image. So I've tried replacing its sad memories with a newer version of itself, unfortunately for that Steve Jobs left us before i can get some news of my future rebound. Thus I'm stuck in this phase where im desperately in need for an outlet to help me with my outlet. Yes it sounds crazy to me too.

So i thought, why not work out my frustrations by actually writing them down. This is what i came up with. A nice blog onto how painfully brain crunching a writer's block can get and how to over come it. A very simple solution to a difficult question. By writing. Afcourse.

And this marks my 50th blog of midnight mist! Yay *fireworks*

Hats off to the inventer of laptops and the notepad application.

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