Tuesday, March 8, 2011


What is loneliness? Why does a person get inflicted by it at times? If man was made to be his own companion, why does he need people around constantly? More specifically, why do we always need love to survive?

Isn't it ironic how when the night is supposed to be the most beautiful part of the day, yet it brings with it evil of all kinds. Maybe that's why our bodies were created to sleep it off. But we still go through the torture of laying awake at the oddest hours, and have our minds corrupted with the insingnificant of thoughts. And have those thoughts invade our heart with excrutiating pain. Sadness, exhaustion, longing. All emotions that carry pain. But nothing comes close to loneliness.

Doesn't a man want to spend the days of his life with himself only? Nobody like his own soul who understands him best. To please himself by fulfilling its wants, feed himself to be fulfilled, be content with no complications whatsoever. To avoid misunderstandings, frustrations when things dont go your way and incomplete love. But no. We were created to interact emotionally with other humans by giving love, in order to recieve some. And when one is unable to provide love, or Is prevented by the ugliness of human nature to do so, he sinks into the depths of complete self-pity and unwanted stress of being morally and emotionally unsatisfied. The heart pulpulates pain with every squeeze, till it becomes unbearable at one point. And eyes begin to overflow with water. How wierd it is that those little droplets of water that so slowly slide down the delicate skin, calms the heart within. So that the pain doesn't burst into flames and reduce you to ashes. To nothing.

But have you ever thought, why did god make us this way? This strong longing for love and satisfaction all the time? Maybe because He wants ourselves to remember something that we so easily tend to forget. That when those moments of loneliness come crashing on to you, when you think you don't have what ur longing for, He is right there. Watching you from above. His love greater than life. He who always listens to you, looks out for you and never ever leaves you to the wolves for even a second. Why? Because he loves you constantly. That one entity that will never let you drown into those never ending depths of mental emptiness. Never.

And that contradicts loneliness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. jeez aruba....dat was beautiful n really sad...wth r u goin thru man!!!??

  3. @Anam Akbar - Just penning down a moment. Dont worry. Nothing serious. :)

  4. The last para really brought about a smile...Gee...im happy to knw that thr r people around me or maybe far who share my thoughts..else i ws jst wondering...poor god what have u created...stupid kinda me...but no..i guess hes with me...lovely Ice..Keep coming out with more...u dnt u sort of morally resurrecting me...hehe

  5. U got a huge fan here in India..

  6. I love your post. I was able to connect myself with it. The last paragraph was really motivating. Keep up the good work.

  7. Thank you Vini and atlasshrugged...


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