Tuesday, July 19, 2016


And I couldn't hold it in anymore, 
as the tears started running on their own. 
And the sobs heaved my heart dry, 
as the pain hit me headlong,
the emotions so strong.
I cried till the night turned over on its back.
I cried till the birds chirped waking up.
I cried till the first rays shone on the lingering droplets from last night.
I cried.
Till my heart was tired.
And the tears dried.
From the lack of more fight.
And I closed my eyes,
To your beautiful memories,
As you smiled right at me,
As we made love gently.
When your lips drank away my needs,
And fingers trailed my skin so preciously.
I cuddled into your endless thoughts,
And slowly,
drifted off restlessly.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, but you shouldn't cry. Your posts show strength to the readers. You show you're weak in this post. I don't believe it. Apart from that, amazing writing once again. Whatt a love you have. %$$% All I see is signs, All I see is Dolla Signs $$


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